Our mission is to provide and process information for dissemination locally, nationally and internationally to people of Black/Afrikan decent through various mediums to inform and educate.
The 1970’s were years of great turmoil for the City Of Boston as the busing era was in full play at that time. There was a poisonous atmosphere with a great deal of white on Black violence and in particular against our children who rode the school buses into hostile areas. It was at this time that 300-400 Afrikan/Black men came
together to deflect the violence and formed the Community For Human Rights (CHR).
The group, which became known as CHR, did neighborhood street patrols, organized neighborhood associations and “telephone trees’ throughout the Afrikan/Black community. A “hot-line” was established in order to respond to “hot spot” calls. The (CHR) continued its work and in 1981 was re-energized due to a series of murders of Afrikan/Black women during a short period of time. At that time, the “hot-line” received calls about the homicides, but also many inquiries in regards to many other subjects such as housing, healthcare, schools, etc.
The various informational inquiries formulated the origins of the Black Community Information Center Inc., which became incorporated in 1986. Since that time, the “information center,” which is all volunteer organization, expanded its mandate of service in order to provide the Afrikan/Black community with pertinent information that has local, national and international implications. Some of the organizational accomplishments have been to to take the lead in establishing the Neighborhood Development Corporation of Grove Hall that built the Mecca Mall, advocacy against police violence, energizing cultural pride with the growing Community Kwanzaa Committee, “Malcolm X Breakfast,” “Drumbeat” radio show (Sundays, 10:00 AM, WRBB 104. 9 FM) and “Drumbeat The Continuum” at BNN-TV.
The most significant achievement of the organization came when when we were able to obtain our own building, which we named Imani (Faith) House located at 516 Warren Street in Dorchester, MA. After having offices through the years at various locations in the community, we now have a home from which to centralize our work and services. It is our intent to move forward in the direction of continuing to serve our community and providing and example that through Kuumba (creativity) we know that Kujichagulia (self determination) can be accomplished as a people.
Local organizations and groups can use the community conference room at Imani House to hold meetings. Please call (617) 427-2522 for more information.
Email us at: blackinfonow@verizon.net. Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter!