It’s safe to say Malaysia Pargo’s body is already summer ready.
The “Basketball Wives” star is turning up the heat on social media with her latest pictures. She uploaded a photo that showed off her bodacious curves and flat stomach.

Pargo posed in revealing athleisure wear, including a gray Nike sports bra, curve-hugging yoga pants, and sneakers. Rocking a makeup-free face and her waist-length box braids, she faced the camera at a side angle, seemingly to flaunt her backside.
The “BBW” star captioned her Instagram post “Vibes” and received 18,000-plus likes. Her fans were mesmerized by her shapely figure and guise.
” Stacked”
“You are so Freaking Beautiful ok bawdy”
“@malaysiainthecity i love everything about you Beautiful and Gorgeous
“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on ”
“They could neeeeeeeever period @malaysiainthecity so damn fine and thicc”
“Malaysia, you are always slaying!!! I miss driving you. That was an honor, and a highlight in my life- Z .
Fans have speculated lately that Pargo may have a new boo.
Not only has the television personality been consistent with her sexy uploads, but after wearing boyfriend socks in a recent picture, people assumed she was “quarantine and bae’ing” with another man.

“Those aren’t your socks!” a fan exclaimed. “Who you quarantine and bae’ing with?! I’m jealous lol.”
“Gorgeous who are you cooped up in the house with? Love your socks,” a second fan commented.
As far as fans know, Pargo is a single woman. She divorced former NBA player Jannero Pargo in 2016 after eight years of marriage. They do, however, co-parent three children together.
Pargo spoke on her divorce in 2014 when she initially filed. She told HipHollywood that she was “forced” out of her marriage, but did not go into detail.
“[Single life] is something different for me,” Pargo said in the interview. “I’m not saying that I’m loving it. I was forced into it. I didn’t have a choice. I’m more of a relationship type of person, so I would rather be in my marriage if I had the choice. But ish happens and I’m going to just have my faith in God.”